September 11, 2009

back to real life

i have been on a break. a break from life. it was just peachy! as mentioned on the previous post, i flew to missouri to surprise my sister-in-law aimee. i've spent the last 9 days in pj's. (no lie) we did a whole lot of nothing and it was splendid. for doing nothing, my trip seemed to fly by and now it is time to go back to responsibilities and getting ready for the day.

don't think that just because i was on vacation we didn't have several projects to do. aimee needed a bit of inspiration for the littles bedroom. i guess i was just that because we had that room painted and ready to go in no time. i for one think it turned out just perfect.

million question a day jackson. this little guy is sure growing up fast. i was asked multiple times in a day how certain words were spelled, what letters made what sound, asked for a snack every 5 minutes, and entertained like there was no tomorrow by his funny little personality. even though he loves me, i think he wished his uncle daniel was there to "karate chop" and give "wedgies".
we took many walks. one of which was at a beautiful state park right up the street.
one of the highlights of the trip was driving to jefferson city to watch the tour of missouri. it was such a cool atmosphere to be in and the support for the riders was incredible. it made me want to jump on my bike and join.

all dressed up for church.
miss o. she has some major attitude and sass. olivia says no more than anything else and gives the best kisses imaginable. she really doesn;t like being told its bedtime and she LOVES treats. that my kind of girl.

good bye smith family. i love you all so very much. thank you for your hospitality, mosquito bites, walks throughout the town, google-ing, late night bowls of cereal, advice, comfort, and most importantly, introducing me to chocolate animal crackers. see you all again very soon! xoxo.... shante

September 7, 2009


you heard right... MO-town, as in MISSOURI. i have left the beehive state for a SURPRISE visit to a little town called kirksville to stay with the beloved smith family. i get to look at these cute faces all day long for nine days straight. i'm sure i'll have an abundance of photos to share when i return. until then... will someone please check in on my hubbie from time to time?