this past weekend we took a little vacation for some much needed sunshine and r&r before the little man joins us. we took off thursday after work and came home monday afternoon. it was the perfect weekend with my baby daddy. we went down with no agenda. no plans. no nothing. just the way i think a vacation should be. our days were spent sleeping in and soaking up the warmth. its been quite a while since the two of us got away together and its just what we needed. its the best to leave work and all the worries of home behind you for a few days to just laugh and enjoy each other. it felt like we were 16 again and i loved every second!

we fit in a game of golf for daniel and a game of mini golf for me, hanging out by the pool, shopping, a day trip to vegas, the BODIES exhibit, good food, and my favorite...
watching movies and eating ice cream in bed at night.

oh wait! i forgot to mention the BEST part! a night in the hospital for me! for a brief moment, we thought we may be having our baby in good ol' St. George. while dominating daniel in mini golf, i started to have contractions that were coming on pretty strong. i was feeling the urge to push and a good amount of fluid decided to creep out and soak my pants. this led us to believe that my water had broken and so we called my dr back home in a panic. he told us to go to labor and delivery to get checked out. after a few hours of monitoring me and the babe, some not so fun tests that i will spare you the details, we were given the go ahead to go on home with dr's orders to take it easy for the next few days. it was quite the night and very surreal to think that we will be back again very shortly. only next time we will be leaving with a baby!

and for your enjoyment- here i am in all my 31 weeks pregnant glory. time seems to be going by so fast and its hard to believe we will soon be parents. life here is good and we are anxiously awaiting this little boys arrival.